The Forest Stewardship Council bills itself as an international organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests. It also accredits independent third party organizations who can certify forest managers and forest product producers to FSC standards. Smartwood is one of those third parties that have certified Tembec in
There have been rumblings in the forest conservation movement about FSC—questions about if it’s really changing the way forestry is done in the world. I’ve been involved in the forest conservation movement for 17 years and have seen way too many clear cuts in my time. I must admit that I was hopeful at the prospect of the FSC being a way out of our current industrial forestry model that is doing so much damage to the boreal forest.
What I saw at the meeting was more of the same. There was no indication of changing the way the plan to clear cut log, make paper or respect protected areas.
Tembec will continue to clear cut as its sole means of tree harvesting. Tembec will still get its wood from protected areas like Nopiming and
The only difference between what they are doing now and 10 years ago is that they can display a logo that says their operations are more ‘responsibly managed’.
Over the past several years Tembec has been charged with violating the Wildlife Guidelines. This has resulted in repeated warnings and fines. In 2006 Tembec was fined 10,000 for violated the Wildlife Guidelines for a clear cut in
I spent a lot of my time at the open house with Vince Keenan, Divisional Forester for the Tembec mill in
He told me that Tembec has goals for maintaining older forest types on their licence area (Forest Management Licence 1 is 9000 square kilometers and is located East of the Southern
That means they plan to cut down half of the old Spruce trees, which happen to be the majority species required to make paper in their
As far back as 2001, Nicole Freris and Klemens Laschefski were cautious about the environmental aspects of the FSC certification scheme.
“The environmental sector of FSC uses its pressure to progressively tighten the criteria for certification, reducing the volume of wood extracted. However for certified companies to be economically viable production quotas need to be maintained.”1
Pat Popp is a deer hunter and outfitter who’s livelihood is affected by Tembec’s logging. Popp was not impressed by Tembec’s plan.
“We're talking 20 years here. I was hoping to see a commitment to phasing out some of their more destructive practices, like clear cutting and spraying herbicides, but the only thing they seem intent on doing is to keep destroying as much wilderness as possible to feed their mill. How FSC can certify an operation that clear cuts massive areas, use herbicides, and is one of the worst polluters in the province, is beyond me,” said Popp.
A New Authority
The FSC has become a new authority in the forest. I find myself asking questions of the certification company Smartwood as if they are a government agency. I feel the need to lobby them to get my concerns addressed about what is happening in our forests. I was refused a list of preconditions for Tembec’s certification by Alexandre Boursier, a regional manager of the certification company Smartwood.
I am not the first to question the legitimacy of the FSC. Some forest activists now find themselves in the unenviable position of lobbying a large conservation group to protect old growth and primary forests.
In July 2007 the ‘e-activist’ network Ecological Internet had launched a letter-writing campaign aimed at Greenpeace, asking them to withdraw their support for FSC-certified 'ancient forest logging'. The campaign demanded that Greenpeace publish a report on questionable FSC certificates, which is believed to have been under investigation by the green group for many months, but has remained unreleased.
If the FSC meant even a marginal benefit to forests then I could see the need to support the effort. As to the legitimacy of the FSC, in terms of a true effort to protect forests, I assert that it has failed.
1. SEEING THE WOOD FROM THE TREES, By Nicole Freris and Klemens Laschefski. An edited version of this article was published in „The Ecologist“ Vol. 31, No 6, July/August 2001
Well, that answers my question. I have a building project coming up and was wondering what kind of wood to buy. The options are not great.
The best is to use reclaimed wood. It's a lot harder to find than Home Depot, but worth the effort.
On a more philosophical note, the only logging operations that can ever be sustainable are small scale. Large mills require large amounts of wood. Maybe there is a small time operation near you that you could source your wood from.
Well said.
Go look at 13 lakeviewPine Falls and see the CARBON FOOTPRINT Tembec is leaving behind and taking a very NON RESPONSIBLE ATTITUDE about effecting the water, people,animals,trees,birds,etc and we allow these people to run our forests ,even polluting a Native reserve everything WRONG hmmmm CHECK IT OUT GOOD EXAMPLE OF A BAD EXAMPLE
I was looking at the Greenpeace Layer in Google Earth on loggin in Kenogami Forest. On the Kleercut website they claim that Kleenex is abandoning pulp from this region (August 2009), but they do not name the producing companies. They blame these unnamed companies for environmental destruction. I found Tembec and your blog. Can you write an update on this. Being a Greenpeace and Sea Shepard supporter I would be interested. Having witnessed the Dutch Friends of the Earth promotion of FSC in the early 90th, I would like to see how it works out. Great blog!
For much more information on Greenpeace and FSC, please visit www.fsc-watch.org.
They have many articles on the controversy and fraud of FSC. I know that some of the world's Friends of the Earth groups have pulled their support of FSC.
Also, visit the forest portal of the Ecological Internet site.
These are two articles on Greenpeace's support for FSC.
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